Agnieszka Dobrzyńska, CEO of Explano Polska, gave a presentation during the General Assembly of Members of the Polish Association of Paints and Adhesives Manufacturers at Polonia Hotel. PZPFK is an organization of companies from the construction industry. It include producers of paints, adhesives, foams and silicones as well as suppliers of raw materials. Among its members are companies such as Flugger, Selena, Śnieżka, BASF, 36 CAPAROL, Adler, Hirsh-Pol, Dow Polska and others.
The presentation concerned the possibility of obtaining EU funds under 2014-2020 perspective, in particular by large companies, and also included practical advice for the participants of the event on what should be taken into account when applying for EU grants. Another presentation was given by professor Witold Orłowski, who concentrated on macroeconomic factors influencing the situation in the construction industry.